Tihany - 2014. július 11-20. > kortárs művészeti fesztivál és vásár

Tihany 11-20 July 2014 > contemporary art festival and fair

Please fin the detailed programme of the 2013 edition of ARTplacc Contemporary Festival below.  Stay tuned for more updates and visit our Facebook page with daily posts on contemporary visual art!




Artplacc Contemporary Art Festival, Tihany

16-20 August 2013


Detailed program


Programs of the three main venues



I. VENUE- GALÉRIAplacc at the Tihany ferry port


Between 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. the leading Hungarian and a Central Eastern European  contemporary fine art galleries’ exhibition and fair can be visited on 600 square metres.

List of the contributing galleries: Deák Erika Gallery, Dovin Gallery, Erdész Gallery, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Gaudens Pedit Gallery (A), Gallery, kArton Gallery, Molnár Ani Gallery, Mono Gallery, Nessim Gallery, NextArt Gallery, Várfok Gallery.



The official opening of the ARTplacc Contemporary Art Festival 2013, GALÉriaplacc 16 August  at 7.30 p.m.


On the night of the ceremony microbuses will deliver our guests between the venues of the ARTplacc constantly.


Guided tours on the GALÉRIAplacc three times daily: 11 a. m., 6 p. m. and 8 p. m.


Arts and crafts  programmes for children daily in the afternoon from 5 to 7.


As the novelty of this year’s festival we hold guided tours several times daily, and free art programs await for the smaller ones every afternoon, where they will be introduced into the secrets of Paul Cezanne’s pastel still lifes by our qualified museum educators. Freely after Jackson Pollock, children will be acquainted with action painting. Inspirated by the works of David Sith and Tamás Körösényi they will have the opportunity to make wire statues, and they may get closer to Giacometti’s style by making aufolia statues.


This year the festival’s partner programme is the ART + FOOD program between August 17-19 in which we give a versatile presentation  of the relationship between art and gastronomy.


II.  VENUE-KIKÖTŐplacc at Tihany harbour (literature, music, theatre, film, video, urban art)


KIKÖTŐplacc, next to the Tihany harbour is a music concert location and a scene for several partner art programs created by the enlargement of an old building. In the community area by the shore-besides the concerts at night which are well fit in the profile of a fine art festival- we can find colourful cultural programs during the day.


Reading grove on PORTplacc daily from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.


The Reading Grove, as a mobile library with deckchairs, beanbags and stuffed bookshelves supports an old-new rage: reading. On the KIKÖTŐplacc, just at the shores of Lake Balaton resting next to the water we can thumb trough some albums, contemporary children’ s literature, Hungarian and foreigner literature.


The Hungarofest Nonprofit Zrt., which calls the Reading Grove to life, encourages everybody to discover the experience of reading outdoors. They do not invite the public into  a library; they bring the books to public areas, parks, the streets. In this way, thanks to the recitals, this basically individual activity may become a public project.


Literature programs


Writer-reader meetings


August 16., Friday,  6 p.m.


Dániel Varró


Born in 1977,  he is on halfway of the life of a man , daredevil of lirics,  poemic novels, children’s poetry, an uniquely popular high-school graduation theme. He is clever, delicate, Englishman-like, and he even translates scripts of unforgettable dramas, but only when he carries  neither  of his sons on his back. We’ve read it back and forth: Mug of Azure (1999), Beyond the Smudgy Mountain (2003), Heart-dessert (2007), Whose foot is size six (2010), Who has his tooth out (2011) Not, not, but (2013)


August 17., Saturday, 6 p. m.


Edina Szvoren


She was born in 1974, a music teacher. „ She is the most sensitive to the ones who were  humiliated and distressed”-writes Pál Réz. Her sullenly playful, film-like prose has been published in two volumes of novellas at the Palatinus: Pertu (2010), There is not and should not be (2012),  of which critics can’t stop to be flabbergasted enough.


„The plastic fish were all painted, they  were even decorated with  pale mimicry-spots by the cheap workforce-I am sick of this hopeless world.”


August 18., Sunday, 6 p. m.


The most astonishing figure of Hungarian poetry is a hundred years old

Weöres Sándor poem-marathon



Music programs from 10 p. m


August  16. The QUALITONS



August 19. 40 DAYS

August 20. FÉNYHANGÁR visual music programme


The musical programs of the festival remains  faithful to the spirit of the festival, so it aims to be diverse. We can find  well-known, emerging artists among the performers.


The Qualitons (beat-pop-rock, soul-jazz-funk)


On the lightsome summer nights the spirit of the sixties is being evoked by up-to-date instruments by The Qualitions’ style-cavalcade.
The Qualitons: Life Awaits


Members: Hunor G. Szabó drums, singing; Ernő Hock bass guitar, vocals; Káosz Kanada rattle, producer; Mátyás Premecz organ, vocals; Barna Szőke guitar


Volkova Sisters (electronic shoegaze, goth-tron) https://www.facebook.com/volkovasisters

The characteristic fine artist-singer Berger Dalma and her three-member band, the Volkova Sisters seek the depths of the soul. The formation’s chatartcic tunes and unique style may be the key to further captivation of new, foreign audiance.


Volkova Sisters: Shiny Fay Of Sorrow



Members: Dalma Berger artist-singer; Dániel Sándor electronics,;Gergely Kovács guitar


Morningdeer (art rock, barokk pop, lofi zajzene)



The Morningdeer trio evolved from the songwriter-singer Danyi Krisztina’s one-woman room project. They make attempts on the verges of alternative pop, artistic rock and melodical jazz.

The tender voice and the dream-like atmosphere completely overawes the audience.


Morningdeer: Salt



Members: Krisztina Dányi songwriter-singer; András Halmos percussion instruments; Bálint Bolcsó electronics, Ádám Mészáros guitar




40 Days / dream pop, psychedelic rock



The 40 days is the harmonic fusion  of scratchy melodies and playful guitar music, with the musing voice of  Erika Szurcsik artist-singer, and with characteristic guitar themes.


40 Days: Alright



Members: Ádám Bákonyi – guitar, Erika Szurcsik – singing, Zsolt Bukta – bass guitar, László Kis – drums, Zsolt Hundt – guitar


Fényhangár visual music


Visual music is a special intermediary genre

Technically, it may be a still picture, but mostly solutions expanded in time may be counted here. When we are talking about a moving picture, it may be silent or aloud. Visual art mostly means the expansion of the composition of musical parts in time, where image and sound are equal. What is more, they result from one an other, shape each other , get into tune. Sound may be transferred into an  image (visualisation), or conversely, visual parts or other data may be turned into sound (sonification).  We present a collection of works by contemporary artists.


There are dj-sets every night after the concerts.



August 18. Sunday, 7 p. m.: The Grönholm-method (written by: Jordi Galceran, director: Imre Baksa)






Ferran – Iván Fenyő

Merce – Éva Botos

Enric – Béla Ficzere

Carlos – György Vass


Four candidates-3 men and a woman- arrive at a preliminary talk at a multinational company, where they are looking for  a  trade executive. As they  managed to get trough the previous filters, this will be the last difficulty. Although, instead of the regular interview the applicants have to solve considerably unusual tasks, which create more and more bizarre and tense situations…Wonder what would they give up to get the job? What kind of efforts do they make, how far do they go in this combat? Are there taboos, moral borders? And does  everybody correspond with the image they  have shown of themselves?


„ I congratulate to that employee at the staff section of a supermarket chain who threw his notes with a sexist overtone of the cashier applicant women not into the shredder, but into  a madrid bin. Because if he does not do so, Jordi Galceran wouldn’t have  written  his piece called the Grönholm-method.”


August 19., Monday, 7 p. m.: Little Bunny Hop, Hop



–      hungarian road-movie


A topless model was killed a year and a half ago in Budapest. The murder was probably committed by the also topless model girlfriend of her and her ex-boyfriend. The suspects fled for almost ten days. The motives of the murder are unknown.

The fleeing juveniles are played by two freshly-finished actors, Adrienn Réti and Balázs Csémy.  The videoclip-like play is made up of collected documents, improvisations and romantic, as well as  not-so romantic associations in connection with the night life. It was directed by Réka Pelsőczy.


DZSINA –Adrienn Réti

DODI –Balázs Csémy

Textbook: Balázs Csémy, Réka Pelsőczy, Adrienn Réti

Setting: Réka Pelsőczy

Costume: Hajni Tóth

Musical contributor: László Nyitrai

Lyrics: Zsolt Máthé

Puppet: Tengely Gábor

Coreography: Johanna Bodor

Light: Krisztián Balázs

Sound: Annamária Ragó

Executive producer: Anna Gáspár

Director: Réka Pelsőczy




Projections from 4 to 10 p. m.


Contemporary videoart selection in the interiors of the PORTplacc





Endre Koronczi: Ploubuter Park, 2013

Barbara Follárd: HandStand, Ball

Marcell Esterházy: 4’33”

Dávid Adamkó: Gingerbread, 2011

Judit Kis: Disillusion, 2012

Boris Labbé (FR): Kyrielle

Jean-Guillaume Bastien (CAN): Déjá-vu

Jeymer Gamboa (ARG): Imaginarium, 2013


A selection of  works of the current and freshly-finished students of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts




A selection of the works of the current and freshly-finished students of the MOME Media Institute




The selection of the PANEL CONTEMPORARY




Daily  rutine PANEL Contemporary @ARTplacc 2013


In the  video selection devoted to the ARTplacc by the PANEL CONTEMPORARY the works reflect on the effects of the consumer society and the ecological problems. However, their criticism is not sharp nor keen- taking everyday situations as a  basis, seeming self-evident for individuals, they draw the attention towards the energetic aspects of  the practice of everyday routine and the individuals’ environment shaping strength.


It is as if we lived in a transitional era. Altough we may sense the ecological consequances of our everyday lives  trough the climate change and the extreme weather conditions, it seems  that the serious dangers are still a distant enough threat to make us alter our established customs and habits.


The video work of Imre Lepsényi has  a  few words about both local and global questions- he  measures the energy needed to prepare one of four nations’ basic meal, the meat soup with scientific precision. Despite that the energy needed to produce and transport the raw materials is now not part of the investigation, it still makes us think: the energy needed  to prepare the well-known dish for  our Sunday lunch will still be gained  from relatively cheap atom reactors, having an unforseeable effect on the long run on  our planet? And what  variation does it exert on the  European political relations if Germany , one of the continent’s world-power,  discards producing atomic energy?


These three videos are somekind of time capsules, which compress the concerns and opinions in connection with the social and natural  environment and sustainability like an expert’s  report.


Imre Lepsényi: How Much Is the Soup Going to Cost?

Dávid Gutema: Blockheads

Rozália Szeleczki: Ecological Footprint


Film projections-from 8:30 p. m.

August 17. contemporary French films




Directed by: Gilles Bourdos

Leading actors: Christa Theret, Michel Bouquetm Vincent Rottiers

Writer: Gilles Bourdos,  Jerome Tonnerrel


Renoir spent his last years in Cagnes-sur-Merben in southern France. At the time of the First World War,  in 1915, he met Andree Heuschling,  who later became known as Catherine Hessling. The peachy girl was the master’s last model-and later the wife and star of his director son. Andree meant the connection between the two generations of significant artists, between  Pierre-Auguste,  who is actively working, but already at the dusk of his life and Jean who is still searching for his own individuality.


August 18. contemporary Italian films




Directed by: Emanuele Crialese

Leading actors: Filippo Pucillo

Writer: Emanuele Crialese, Vittorio Moroni


Guilietta (Donatella Finocchiaro) is a young widow. She is sick from the island’s retrograde and changeless way of life, she tries to flee from the bad memories, and persuades his son, Filippo (Filippo Pucillo) to lead a big city life. Sara (Timnit T.) is an expecting refugee with her son from South Africa, who will soon give birth to her little girl in the garage of Guilietta and Filippo. Guiletta puts everything on stake to help Sara.


August 19.: Central-European contemporary films

Eushorts short film selection




In collaboration with the KITCHEN BUDAPEST medialab we present HUNGARY’S SUBJECTIVE ATLAS.




The central place of KIKÖTŐplacc, the Sport Restaurant, which was built in 1923 gives home to the Kitchen Hungary Medialab’s project, Hungary’s Subjective Atlas.


The Atlas was made with the collaboration of  50 associate artists and a young Hungarian graphic designer, Aliz Borsa.


Annelys de Vet- the woman of ideas of the subjective country atlas-has met the creators  (who not only contributed to the atlas with their ideas but with their tangible visual works) personally at the workshops held between th 22nd of November and the 3rd of December , 2010 at the Kitchen Budapest, where the most of the brainstorming, talking and collaborative work was held.


After the workshop the works were improved further and finalised. You can find the works made during the workshop on the following link: http://subjectiveatlas.kibu.hu

The blog, with a comment system integrated into Facebook gave an opportunity not only  to make the public acquainted with the creative process but also helped us to handle the feedbacks  of the outer viewers easier.


The material made of the works of the Atlas was first exhibited in the  Europa Pont, then in January 2012 in the Hungarian Cultural Institute of London, and in 2013 it arrives to ARTplacc.








III. Venue  FOTÓplacc PISKY walkway


At our new location, on the Pisky walkway between the Echo Hill and the Tihany Abbey we give opportunity to contemporary photographers to introduce themselves.


The EXISTENCE PICTURES- contemporary photographers in flashlight’s main question is to reveal how did the digital revolution of the nineties alter the photographer’s relationship with the pictures. We can see creators who were either very young in the nineties, or they had rather  innovative approaches towards the procedures. Besides the well-known names we also invited photographers whose work may be rarely seen, but who follow unique ways. There will be creators whose work could only have been created in a digital milieu, and there will be also artists who just got back to traditional methods. Many of them deal with not only photography, but also with videos and films; we picked some of these works also.



Some of the exhibiting artists: Gábor Áfrány, Tamás Dobos, Lajos Csontó, Sári Ember, Luca Göbölyös, Péter Puklus, Balázs Telek, Tamás Varga.


The visitors of the exhibition may pose their questions to our  constantly present collegues. We have an intention  to increase the numbers of the appreciatives and lovers of Hungarian contemporary photography. The curator of the exhibition is Mihály Surányi. The exhibition opens on August 15 at 5 p. m. with a professional guidance, and then it can be visited daily from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.


In the vicinity of the exhibition, on the scheme of a wanderer-photographer of the 19th century, Péter Laczkó awaits those who want to make pictures of themselves or  who are interested in photography in his pop-up studio.

The special pictures made with archaic technique may be purchased on the spot also.